- Travel Date | 绝旅日期:2014 - 10 - 23
- http://www.gibbstonvalley.com/
Let me start with the VineYard & Wine Cave | 让我先介绍葡萄园以及山洞
- The vines reaches its grows cycle, so we only see Bud breaks.
- 葡萄正在换季,所以,我们看到的都是嫩芽
- Strong wind | 风很强 (with vids- 有视频)
Time to introduce Wine Cave | 现在给您介绍人造酒庄山洞
- Cave Tour - A must do activity in Central Otago | 到此一游必须完成的任务
- tried 3 different wines | 品尝了3种葡萄酒
GV Wine Restaurent | 酒庄餐厅
We purchased a Snake Edition (Chinese Lunar Snake Year) | 买了个蛇年的,当个纪念
How I feel | 个人感想 :
- Teo likes wine very much, he has the wine knowledge and etc, but for me, all wine taste good. If you wish to learn more, you may log onto Gibston Valley Official website.(Fruitful Articles with beautiful pics)
- 我家张朗对酒有浓厚的兴趣,也有基本知识,但是我没有,所以还是不胡写比较好. 您们喜欢更多知识,可以浏览官方网站哦~(资料很齐全)
- This trip was organized by Great Vision | 此堂旅游是宏远理财精心安排
- http://www.gibbstonvalley.com/
Back to hometown, we took the wine pic we bought with our furkid,during (her birthday) | 回国后,我们把买回来的酒跟爱女合影(它的生日)